Thursday, January 14, 2010


Tomorrow morning Woody drives me to Richmond and I fly to Atlanta, where I meet my old friend and travel companion, Renee Fischer. We should land in Johannesburg, South Africa the next evening (January 15) after about 15 hours in the air.

The first 17 days will be travel: Jo-burg, Pretoria, Kruger National Park, Swaziland, Lesotho, Durban, arriving in Cape Town on January 28. After several days together seeing Cape Town, I start my volunteer committment with Cross-Cultural Solutions on January 30 and Renee flies home. I don't know yet just exactly what I will be assigned to do with CCS in Cape Town, but it will be in one of the townships and it will hopefully involve children.

I will miss those near (and far) and dear to me in the USA, but I won't miss the cold weather we have been having in Virginia this winter. Hope it warms up for you folks at home! See you in March!

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